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The forest holds the future of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Their goal is to combine their cultural heritage with a modern lifestyle. For this reason, the living conditions in the villages need to be modified and improved.


In the old days, the indigenous peoples used to live as hunters, gatherers and fishermen. When they settled down, the families grew bigger. With the increasing influence of civilization and the lack of education, it soon became clear that they needed to change their way of life in order not to be erased from the face of the Earth. Natural resources in the catchment areas of the villages are mostly exhausted. Large parts of the forest are destroyed due to unprofitable cattle breeding, while other areas close to the roads have been sold to timber companies – for just a little revenue that proved to be of no advantage to the indigenous inhabitants.


Many tribe leaders are well aware of the current situation. That is why they asked AMAZONICA for support and advice.


The indigenous people are born protectors of their forest. In the face of exploitation and destruction, we must support them in these essential tasks.


AMAZONICA’s goal is to protect the tropical rainforest by supporting its original inhabitants.


The “model for contemporary living and working in the forest” was created over many years by AMAZONICA together with the Achuar, Shuar and Kichwa in selected villages. Since 2008, this tested model has been offered in other villages as well. By 2011, over 200 other communities have expressed their interest.


Requirements of the target community for long-term project success are::


• Vision

• Clear definition of interim goals

• Commitment and personal dedication

• Ongoing critical and regulative analysis of the process


The number of communities accepted into the program and how fast the help reaches them The number of communities accepted into the program and how fast assistance reaches them depends on the financial capacity of the AMAZONICA foundation.


Every member of a successful community will automatically help with rainforest preservation. Therefore, we kindly ask for your donation.